A snapshot

IMG_20170403_045409This is one of those posts where probably nothing is going to make sense. I am drunk, suicidal and just in general pretty crappy but I think it’s important to expose this side of depression as well, not just the calm, intellectual smart-ass side that shines through when you have thought out what to say in advance or you have something specific in mind, but this raw, uncensored cluster-fuck that is taking place right now.

As I said, I am drunk. I have had several glasses of strong alcohol, I’ve been self-harming and talking to some friends. Hi snow, trowsquaredbro, bhlek, phil and probably a few more of you. I am really touched by your efforts. It has probably kept this situation form going from bad to worse. Technically keeping it since it’s still going on but whatever. Thanks.

I really want to die. I have several times in the conversation stated above expressed my desire to end my life. Why? Because I can’t be fucking bothered. It’s just turtles all the way down, but instead of turtles its pain, anxiety and misery. I don’t have the balls to end my life because I am a weak, pain fearing whimp but if I was presented with a button to end my life instantly and painlessly I would push it in a heartbeat. Wow that expression is oddly ironic and morbid…

“But you have so much to live for! You’re young! You have dreams! Things get better!” Yeah please gently shove something large and uncomfortable up where the sun don’t shines. I am incapable of doing anything. I can’t study, let alone hold a job, I am a burden to everyone I engage with… I am literally a worthless piece of shit.

Now I don’t want any encouraging messages, they always make me feel like a petty attention whore. I don’t write this for you to feel sorry for me. I write this so you who have never experienced it maybe can get a glimpse of how it is to live with depression. I will encourage you to share it though. Depression is a serious thing and it claims lives every day. It could have been me tonight if not for my friends over at GFD, hell it still might be. What do I know? Share this post, share this blog, not because I want your bloody clicks but because I want the world to know. Depression is still taboo and it needs to stop. I’m going to pour myself another glass. God night.